Note heaters matters

hits:update:2015-06-01 13:06:57【Print】【Close】

A professional installation, the product must be installed by trained, certified and qualified service personnel to install the installation. Prohibited unauthorized users transfer machine, installed.
Second, the safe use: the user during use must be strictly in accordance with instructions manual or instructions affixed use.
Third, leakproof:
1) The power supply must have a reliable ground and use a separate line, is strictly prohibited without permission of the original power line connection.
2) water installation shall use PPR pipe insulation, can effectively reduce the risk of electric shock.
3) socket must be installed in the shower water can not splash to the place and the use of splash-type socket, you must use a separate line with the national standard outlet. Do not use mobile outlets. Outlet must be grounded. Use capacity parameters are correct, high-quality, regular brand outlet in order to ensure a reliable connection socket and plug. Not allowed with switch power outlet, do not allow the use of two-phase socket. Power over 5KW unworthy plug should be connected to the water heater air switch, which prohibits direct connection into the circuit.
Fourth, leak-proof water: installation location must have sufficient displacement and smooth floor drain so the water supply pipeline pressure exceeded, the safety valve drain water can smoothly flow into drains, prevent users from property damage.
Fifth, water heater maintenance and maintenance: Before the water heater for maintenance, be sure to turn off the power, in order to ensure more efficient electric water heater has been working efficiency, the best regular sewage, and clean electric components, crack in the heating element and remove deposits scale tank bottom. And regular (weekly) check to ensure leakage protection switch is working properly.



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