Corporate purposes
Broad believes that clean energy can benefit us,
However, this is not just how to make life more convenient quality problems.
More importantly,
The real new green energy can improve the living environment radically,
If Sanneng has been the goal -
Solar water heaters with the practical technology to reduce power consumption of ordinary family life more than 10%.
These saved energy will be invested in a storage tank called 'Earth',
Until it adds up.
Until you can repair damaged atmosphere and green,
So that our future generations can continue to live on this beautiful planet.
Business outlook
As the saying goes proof of the pudding, time will tell. Since its inception, Broad has gone through the course of nine years. Time is not everything, but it can at least show the intensity persist. Faced with fierce market screening and tests, Broad and always remained true to his principles: We do not fraud, we only produce the best clean solar energy equipment, we engage in vicious competition, our quality is the important, we have to consumers Highest ......
Now the new competitive era, although there has been efforts in exchange for today's achievements and public recognition, but the face of challenges, we will treasure the past, in order to develop and continue tomorrow firm forward.



8:00 - 18:00


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